Her works are representational in style in Chinese and Western medium. Her more than twenty years of teaching experiences include teaching East Asian Art History at Wheelock College, College of the Holy Cross, Oriental Brush Painting at Worcester Art Museum, Palo Alto Arts Center, and currently at Mountainview School of Music and Arts, Ichen Art Academy and in her own studio in Fremont. Her works were accepted in the 2016 and 2014 "Salon in the Triton" 2D Art Competition at Triton Museum of Art, and 2007 Juried “Summer Street Solstice II” of the MCCA Art Program at Boston Exhibition and Convention Center. Solo exhibitions include 2015 at Fremont Art Association(CA), 2007 at Milford Chamber of Commerce (NH), 2002 at Newberry Courts in Concord (MA), and 2001 at Concord Public Library (MA). Since 1998 she has participated in various joint exhibitions in California, New England and Taiwan. She has also given various presentations on Chinese art and architecture for schools and institutions. She was born in 1959 in Taiwan, and in 1988 attained her M.A. in Art History from University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
梁銘潛出生於藝術世家,自幼醉心藝術、音樂、文學,從母親梁丹丰、姊梁銘毅習畫。家學之外,還在麻州大學藝術系、伍斯特藝術館、得克多瓦藝術館修課,從畫家John Grillo 教授、Randy LeSage 教授,及Satoko Motouji, William Griffiths, Alex Ferguson, Thomas Kellner, Matias Salas, Ryan Williams, Oliver Sin 等習畫。一九八八年取得麻州大學藝術史碩士。
由於喜愛大自然,她多採用傳統中、西媒材,風格比較寫實,特別喜歡花卉、人像、風景。其作品數度參與國內外展覽,為台、美個人收藏家與機構收藏。個展包括在加州佛利蒙藝術協會、麻州康克圖書館、紐柏瑞畫廊、佛芒州密弗德 Chamber of Commence 等展出,亦多次參與加州、新英格蘭、台灣聯展。其作品曾得到 Fremont Art Association 年度比賽水彩組第二名,入選2016 及 2014 特萊頓美術館 Triton Museum 二度空間美術比賽, 及2007 年度MCCA Art Program 的 Summer Street Solstice II 評審展,於波士頓展示會議中心 Boston Convention Center 展出。
她多方應邀演講文化藝術、現場示範、指導 workshops、 教師研習會,曾在波士頓華僑文教中心指導國畫西畫,伍斯特美術館, Palo Alto 藝術中心指導國畫,惠洛克學院及聖十字學院教授東方藝術史,從事教學經驗二十年餘,目前在加州 Mountain View 音樂美術學校,Fremont 宜真美術學院與個人畫室教畫並從事藝術創作。